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Location & Directions

Address: The Moor, Cloghbolie, Creevy, Rossnowlagh, F94 F820 & The Rock, Cloghbolie, Creevy, Rossnowlagh F94 A371 

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General Location:
The Cottages are located minutes walk from Creevy Pier. Creevy is nestled by the sea half way between Ballyshanon and Rossnowlagh, Co.Donegal

When driving from Ballyshannon to Rossnowlagh you will come across a sign post for Creevy Pier Hotel on your left, follow the sign and the Cottages are on the right hand side just before you come to the sea front. Both houses have large stones in their front gardens, showing The Moor & The Rock.

The Historic Donegal Town is approximately 20 minutes from Creevy

Ballyshannon and Bundoran are also within 15 minutes from Creevy

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